Time resolution - HV and Thresholds scan on the GIF beam at CERN
(GIF source OFF, Gas "old" Ar(30%)CO2(50%)CF4(20%) )
Time resolution for the single plane.
- Time distribution of the signal from one channel (Plane 6, ch 14). Run 365,
HV=3.95 kV, threshold=THR1.
Fit by two semigaussians with common center (P1) and two different standard deviations Sigma1 and Sigma 2
(S1=P2 and S2=P3)
Plot .
- Fit parameters (center, S1, S2 and S) vs channel # in all 6 planes
(run 365, HV=3.95 kV, threshold=THR1).
Overall standard deviation Sigma S=sqrt((S1**2+S2**2)/2).
From each plane 3 the most populated channels are presented (total 18)
Plot .
-Fit parameters (center-page 1, S1-page 2, S2-page 3 and S-page 4) vs HV and thresholds
for the most populated channel from each plane
Plot .
Time resolution for the 1-st and the 2-nd arrivals.
-Time distributions and fits for the the 1-st and the 2-nd arrivals.
(run 365, HV=3.95 kV, threshold=THR1)
Plot .
Efficiency and RMS vs HV for the 1-st and the 2-nd arrivals.
- software gates inf., 25 nsec and 20 nsec (threshold THR1)
Last modified: Mon May 31 12:40:00 CST 1999