Bench test of the ADS16 chip at PNPI
-The ADS16 chip was tested, channel by channel, at PNPI with the use of the
test stand prototype. Here we present analysis of the data which
were provided by A.Golyash as the tables. The data and results are very
preliminary. The goal of the analysis is to establish methods and parameters
to characterize the chip performance.
Time vs input charge.
- The mean of time distribution as a function of input charge.
Fig.1 .
Threshold vs JTAG code.
- The thresholds controlled by JTAG code were calibrated in fC on the bench
too. The results are in
Input charge vs DAC code calibration.
- Input signal vs DAC code dependence was calibrated at Ccal=0.84 pF.
The results are
here .
The input charge (fC) vs DAC code data were fitted by the polinomial of
degree 3.
Thresholds and noise.
- The thresholds above (see
Fig.2 ) were obtained at PNPI with
the use of the linear interpolation of the threshold curve between the points
with 0.1 and 0.9 efficiencies. This can bias the threshold estimate if the
threshold curve has "abnormal" shape around this points ( a few examples could
be seen in Fig. 3 below). More accurate
approach using fit by the Fermi distribution gives thresholds which are lower
by about 10%. The results for each channel (chip 1) at three different JTAG
(JTAG=150,170 and 190) and Cin=0.84 pF are on the pp 1-4 of the postscript
files below (Fig.3a,b,c). Page 5 gives fitted thresholds and the slopes for
each channel as the corresponding parameters P1 and P2 of the Fermi function
eff=P3/(1. + exp(-(Q - P1)/P2)). In Fig.5-8 the fit was done with 2 parameters
eff=400/(1. + exp(-(Q - P1)/P2)).
- Having Fermi distribution we can get resolution finctions by differentiating
the Fermi function (see pp 1-4 as well). They are histogrammed and fitted
by Gaussian distribution on the p.6. Note that resolution function is fitted
by Gaussian rather close except the 3-5% tails, p.7 (also, the derivative of
the Fermi function is not a Gaussian). From this we can
estimate the noise of each channel as RMS, provided by HBOOK or RMS as the
fitted parameter (p.8). In average the noise is about 1.2-1.4 fC and fitted
RMS are lower (due to non-gaussian tails).
- Results at Cin=0 pF:
Threshold JTAG = 150 Fig.3a
Threshold JTAG = 170 Fig.3b
Threshold JTAG = 190 Fig.3c
- The summary for the fitted thresholds and noise at JTAG=150,170 and 190 is
in Fig.4
Thresholds and noise at different Cin.
- The calibration curve Input Signal vs DAC code is
here .
- Results at Cin=0 pF:
Threshold JTAG = 150 Fig.5a
Threshold JTAG = 170 Fig.5b
- Results at Cin=55 pF:
Threshold JTAG = 150 Fig.6a
Threshold JTAG = 170 Fig.6b
- Results at Cin=125 pF:
Threshold JTAG = 150 Fig.7a
Threshold JTAG = 170 Fig.7b
- The summary for the fitted thresholds and noise at JTAG=150,170 and Cin above
is in Fig.8
Last modified: Mon May 31 10:30:00 CST 1999