• Talk - Talk transparencies
  • Results of the pilot-production chips CMP16F test (sample of 28 chips).
    Fig.1_1 - threshold and noise
    Fig.1_2 - gain and discriminator offset
    Fig.1_3 - parameters above vs detector capacitance
    Fig.1_4 - mean time and slewing time
  • Results of radiation test (older chips CMP16E, static parameters only).
    I (amps) - total current; Vd (volts) - discriminator voltage;
    Va (volts) - amplifier voltage; Vc (volts) - power regulator voltage.
    Fig.2_1 - chip # 26, total dose 13 krad;
    Fig.2_2 - chip # 23, total dose 30 krad;
    Fig.2_3 - chip # 21, total dose 60 krad;
    Fig.2_4 - chip # 16, total dose 300 krad;
    Fig.2_5 - chip # 19, total dose 600 krad;
    Fig.2_6 - chip # 20, total dose 180 krad;

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    Last modified: Thu June 15 15:00:00 CST 2000